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How To Fight and Prevent the Flu Naturally

Updated: Jan 8, 2021

Welcome flu season everyone! This time of year is always a beautiful time, but the's also a great time for the flu! Especially with COVID19 right now, everyone is going to be extra anxious if they have any flu symptoms.

I personally try to stay away from medication as much as possible, and always try to heal my body naturally first. This doesn't mean I am against medicine by any means, but I always try to treat mine and my families symptoms naturally, before resorting to western medicine.

So how do we do that? Here's a few tips and tricks that my family and I have used that has helped us treat cold and flu symptoms as well as prevent them.

  1. Reduce Stress: I cannot "stress" this more. If I were to say one thing to improve that will give you longevity and better wellness it would be to reduce stress. Did you know that stress can actually alter our DNA and allow all sorts of illness and disease to enter our bodies. It is so important to take time to really manage your stress. Learn meditation, mindfulness or try to illuminate a lot of stressors in your life. This is something that gets missed by a lot of people an I honestly think it is as important as exercise and getting enough sleep. Manage your stress people! Believe me, you will feel the difference in your recovery time for getting better or preventing illness.

  2. Get Lots of Sleep: I personally struggle with this one. It's so hard to make yourself go to bed at night when. you FINALLY have that alone time to yourself after you put the kids to bed. Am I right? Trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night will make all of the difference in your overall immunity. When you sleep your body is regenerating and recovering. If you are tired and stressed all the time, your immune system will be weak, therefore allowing number of different illnesses to enter your body. If you have the flu, don't try to work through it. Take a day and just REST ( I know this may be hard for some people, it is for me), but I promise the more your rest, the faster the flu will leave your body.

  3. Go for a Walk:If your up for it, try to get outside for a walk. I know, it may be contradicting. Why would I go outside in the cold when I have a cold? Well, in the winter months Vitamin C and Vitamin D are very minimal. These are important vitamins to help boost your immune system. When you go for a short walk, it will not only get your blood flowing but it will give you some quality Vitamin C and Vitamin D and help you get better quicker! If the cold is only in your head and has not reached your chest then I would strongly advise trying to 'walk it off'. If your symptoms are more severe then please rest up or call your doctor for more guidance.

  4. Let In the Sun: A lot of people are unaware of how many benefits just being out in the sun can do for our health. Opening the blinds and simply letting some natural light in can provide our bodies with the much needed Vitamin D. This essential vitamin helps build up that immune system, which in turn helps fight off that flu! So, although you may want to sleep under the covers all day, try exposing yourself to some natural light! It may be just that little kick that you need.

  5. Probiotics: If you had to pick one of these solutions, this would be it. Probiotics are so important for overall wellness. They have made all the difference in my daily routine. Probiotics are essential for helping create a healthy gut. And yes, a healthy gut, means a healthier immune system. Did you know that almost 70 % of the human immune system is found in the gut? This go-to supplement offers a powerful flu-defence because it not only supports a healthy gut, but it helps block the viruses replication cycle, thus preventing it from occurring. Believe me, invest in a good probiotic and you will find that you get sick a whole lot less!

  6. Echinacea: This is a common one, that many people are aware of these days, but do they actually use it? Enchinacea is a flower that has been proven to help relieve symptoms of the flu and cold symptoms. In one study found, 473 people with the flu, drinking an echinacea-based beverage was as effective as an antiviral medication at treating symptoms. So fill up on that tea people! Tea alone is soothing for flu symptoms, when mixed with Enchinacae it can do wonders!

  7. Elderflower: Why not make a double whammy? Adding some Elderflower to your wellness routine can also be a big flu-buster.

  8. Zinc: One of my favourite supplements. Zinc can be a great addition to our wellness routine. This vitamin is known to help reduce the length of your cold and flu symptoms, if taken within 24 hours of showing symptoms. Caution, I would advise you that if you do take Zinc, orally is the best way to go. There has been some side-effects of nasal ingested Zinc that could damage your sense of smell!

  9. Chocolate: : This one is my favourite! And I'm sure it'll be yours too. Did you know that chocolate can actually help you feel better when you have flu-like symptoms. I'm not joking. Several studies in England have actually proven that chocolate can help calm down cough-like symptoms as well as sooth your soar throat! The higher the cocoa content, the better. A nice cup of hot dark chocolate cocoa might do the trick. It can even be as simple as just letting a piece of dark chocolate melt in your mouth. This healthy 3-Ingredient Chocolate Recipe could be a great addition to your wellness plan.

  10. Chicken Noodle Soup: Good old chicken noodle soup. Mother's really do know best. Chicken Noodle Soup is known to be a traditional method for kicking the flu. According to various studies, having some chicken noodle soup can help increase your fluid intake (which is very important), help relieve nasal congestion, as well as thin out mucus. So if you're caught with a bug, it may be time to give mom a call for her traditional chicken noodle. Here's a great plant-based chicken noodle recipe that I use in my household all the time!

There are so many ways to help fight the flu. If you do find you are showing symptoms, or you just want to prevent it, these are some key natural items that I include in my daily routine.

Do you have any go-to cold and flu busters? Let us know below!

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