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10 Foods that Help Boost Immunity

During these trying times, most of us are looking for any way to help boost our immunity and prevent sickness. Food is so nourishing and healing for our body, it can do wonders to our health. Especially, if you choose the right food. Here are five super-foods that you should include in your daily routine. They help build immunity and optimize health, making illness much less likely. Check them out!

  1. Citrus Fruits: We all know this one! Citrus fruit is a great addition to add to your diet. These fruits are packed with Vitamin C, which helps strengthen your immune system.

  2. Broccoli: Broccoli is a great addition to add to your diet, especially during flu season. This dark leafy vegetable is jam packed with rich vitamins and minerals, particularly Vitamin A, C and D. TIP: Broccoli hold most of it's nutrients when it is raw. If you decide to cook this vegetable, a great option is steaming it. This method helps preserve most of the nutrients and minerals.

  3. Garlic: Garlic is honestly one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet. It has been used for hundreds of years for its healing properties. Not only does this vegetable help strengthen immunity but it can help lower blood pressure, fight off infection and even slow down hardening of the arteries.

  4. Ginger: Ginger is a great addition because it helps aide the body by decreasing inflammation, nausea and digestive upsets. Ginger may also help relive pain and lower cholesterol.

  5. Spinach: You may not know it, but spinach is actually packed with Vitamin C. Spinach also contains a number of antioxidants that work together to build up our immunity system. TIP: If you want to get the most nutrients out of this flu-fighting ingredient, then eating it raw is the best way to go.

  6. Turmeric: Another amazing vegetable. Turmeric has been used in many dishes around the world. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as it's ability to help sooth our muscles and act as an antiviral. I love adding turmeric to my potato wedges, so yummy!

  7. Green Tea: I know, I add this one to everything. But, it's so true! Green Tea is a powerhouse when it comes to building up our immune systems. Green teas is packed with an antioxidants called; flavonoids and EGCG. Some studies have shown that these antioxidants can help enhance immune function. It is also known for helping to fight against germ-fighting compounds in your T-cells. Try it! TIP:If you don't like the taste, try adding honey or lemon to it, so tasty.

  8. Papaya: Papaya is so underrated. It contains double the recommended amount of Vitamin C, making it the perfect immune boosting buddy! To top it off, papayas also contain digestive enzymes that have anti-inflammatory affects on the body. It also contains a number of additional vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

  9. Sunflower Seeds: Sunflower seeds have so many benefits. It contains numerous vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin, E, Vitamin B-6, magnesium and phosphorus and selenium. All of these are great powerhouse vitamins and minerals that works so well together in order to help build a strong and healthy immune system.

  10. Bell Peppers:This is another underrated vegetable. Did you know that bell peppers have more Vitamin C than an orange? Yeah, I'm not joking. Three times the amount, to be exact! This is such a great vegetable to add into your diet (If you aren't avoiding nightshades, of course). It's also very high in beta-carotene, which is known for helping improve eye and skin health.

What are your favourite go-to foods for building immunity?

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