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10 Sustainable and Inexpensive Household Switches

Updated: Feb 13, 2021

Some people think that being environmentally friendly and eating a wholesome diet is expensive and not going to lie it definitely can be! But remember, that's also a marketing tactic. When an item says 'eco-friendly' sometimes companies means that they can increase the price based on this market.

Well I'm here to tell you that you can live a sustainable and healthy life without breaking the bank! There are so many simple and easy switches you can make throughout your household that can really help benefit you and the lovely earth that we live on. So let's get to the point shall we. Below are 10 sustainable switches that you can make in your household and some might actually SAVE you money!

1. Use Cold Water for Laundry:

Did you know that the temperature in water doesn't make much of a difference when it comes to cleaning laundry? I was taught that the hotter the water, the cleaner the laundry. Simply switching from hot water to cold water in your laundry cycles can make such a big difference. This not only can save you money on your monthly electrical or gas bill but it helps the environment as well. Win, win!

2. Hang Dry Your Clothes Whenever Possible (Even in the Winter People):

I use to put EVERYTHING in the dryer. And when I say everything I mean, even if they said to hang dry, I likely didn't. I was just so busy and didn't have anywhere to hang it, they always got in the way. I asked my husband to build me a clothesline and oh, geez it made such a difference. Once again, this is a great way to save money but it is also using less energy, which in turn is so much better for our planet. And yes, I even do it in the winter!

We have a small retractable clothes line that we installed in our laundry room and I try to use it as much as possible. Once again, this is a simple switch that can not only benefit your wallet but the environment as well.

3.Swap All Your Lights to LED:

I'm sure we all know this one, but most of us never get around to it! If it works, why switch it right? WRONG. Switching to LED can make a huge difference on the amount of energy you consume. They may be a little bit more expensive, but in the long run you are saving more money on your energy bill and being more eco-conscious. We did this right away in our home and noticed a drop in our energy bill as well as a peace of mind that we are doing what we can for the environment.

4.Compost, Compost, Compost:

Ugh, I cannot say this enough. Compost people! Some countries may not do compost, but if you do please use it. We switched to compost a couple of months ago and it has made a big difference in the amount of garbage we have. Like a crazy amount less. Knowing that the compost is going to be broken down and re-used back into our environment is also worth it. You can simply buy a compost bin from your town, they are fairly inexpensive.

If you live somewhere where they don't take compost, then make your own! This coming summer we are going to make our own compost bin so we can use it as fertilizer in our vegetable garden! We also use compost scraps for our chickens as well, they love it!

5. Swap your Plastic Water Bottles with a Re-usable Glass One:

This is another one that many people are aware of, but surprisingly very few actually do. It's just so convenient to grab a plastic bottle. How much time does it really take to fill up a glass bottle tho? This switch happened along time ago in our home. I always keep a glass bottle of water in the car and in accessible places, so if I am in a rush I can just quickly grab it.

Making this switch is not only better for the planet, because you aren't using single use plastics, but it's better for your health as well! Did you know that chemicals from the plastic can bleed into the water. Plus, where did that water actually come from? This is another topic so I won't elaborate right now, but this simple switch I would say is one of the most important.

6.Make Your Own Cleaning Products:

Making your own cleaning products is another big one! I make most of my cleaning products and it has saved me a TON of money. If you manage your time and dedicate a time once a month this won't seem like a chore at all. It's great because once again, it save's you money and it is so much better for you. By making your own cleaning products you know exactly what you are putting into it, no fillers, no chemicals. And yes, they work just as well, sometimes even better! I'll be writing an article shortly on different cleaning product recipes you can try at home.

7. Ditch The Paper Towel:

This one was probably the hardest for my family, especially my husband. We were just so use to having access to paper towel whenever we needed it. About a couple years ago, I made the final switch to reusable paper towel and to say the least, we survived! It took a while to get use to it, but now it is just second nature. This once again, saved us money and is better for the environment. TIP: make sure you have many re-usable paper towels and wash them regularly so that you never run out! It's the worst when you have wet hands and have no idea where to wipe them. I like to throw them in with my dishwasher, it saves time and water!

8. Swap Plastic Grocery Bags for Re-Usable Ones:

This is something that most people are doing an amazing job at where I am from. I use to rarely see people bringing their own bags, but now most stores around here are doing such a great job at promoting it. This makes such a difference to our environment! TIP: Keep a few extra in your trunk, just in case you forget to grab them before you head out! I also, love to use the big re-usable baskets! These hold so many groceries, are re-usable and much easier to transport into the house. I'll link the ones I like below:

9. Opt for Rechargable Batteries instead of Single Use:

Batteries in general are super bad for the environment. Not only do they contain toxic and flammable substances but they require lots of energy to manufacture and are very high in green house gas emissions. So how can we reduce this? Well, by simply buying rechargeable batteries instead of single use ones you are (once again) not only saving money in the long run. but you are doing a service to the environment. It's also nice to have rechargeable batteries because you don't have to worry about running out anytime soon!

10. Change your Shower Head:

This was something that we did in our household just recently. We live in a century home and just moved in just over a year ago. I did a little due diligence and learned that something as simple as your shower head can actually make you sick! Not a word of a lie, I was probably thinking the same thing you are. How can that make you sick? It's not like we are drinking the water. Well, bacteria thrives in shower heads. And let's be honest, it's not something that many people thoroughly clean very often.

Not only this but the amount of water a shower head uses can make a huge difference in water consumption. I don't know about you.but when my husband showers he's in there for a REALLY long time. What do they do in there, honestly? Anyways, back to the topic. By changing your shower head to an eco-friendly one, you can save on water and help clear up some stubborn bacteria. They actually have shower heads now that help naturally rid of this bacteria. The head that we switched to is by Shower Envy. So far, it works great! And it's a peace of mind knowing that we are helping the environment and protecting our overall wellness.

These are just a few quick swaps you can make to live a more sustainable and ethical lifestyle.

What are some swaps you've made? Let us know!

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